Monday, 22 February 2016

How to become an entrepreneur

What is industrial production?
This is a process whereby chemicals and other related substances, water inclusive, which is a natural substance in other to create a finished product
. These also involves the production of equipments such as rubber, iron etc.
In the cause of our discussion, we will be using chemicals and other substances to produce finished consumable goods.
There are a lot of Industrial consumables, but for the purpose this blog, we will be limiting ourselves to:
1.     Bleach production
2.     Soap production
3.     Cosmetics production


.Bleach is a product, produced by the combination of certain chemicals. When such chemicals are combined together in water, it is allowed for a period not less than 42 hours before it can be used for washing
Bleach could be used for washing of cloths,
It could also be used for washing of toilet bowls
Bleach is used for cleaning of chairs and tiles.
It equally prevent germs

When producing bleach, the quality control can be determined using clothing material (colored), this called fiber testing.


1.     Sodium Hydroxide: this could also be called caustic soda. It serves as bleaching agent, stain remover.
2.     Chlorine: this is a bleaching agent that helps to fades color in any production process
3.     Sodium carbonate/ soda ash: this is used to breakdown chlorine for its effect to be felt in the course production.


Detergent is a surfactant. In other words a surface active agent. It has the ability to act on surface whereby leaving the surface clean and neat.
Detergent exists in two different forms namely;
(1) Powdered detergent
(2) Liquid detergent
Detergents are used for various purposes. These include
 (1) Washing of clothes
 (2) Scrubbing of the floor
 (3) Washing of hospital equipment
 (4) Washing of factory equipment etc.
Detergent could also be used as car wash. However I recommend the liquid detergent for washing of the car because it contains little or no sodium hydroxide which is has the ability to remove color from the surface.

Production equipments consist of the following:
                               i.            Mixer: The mixer is made up of a bowl and stirrer which can be manually or electrically powered. This actually depends on the financial capability of the producer.
                             ii.            Drier: This is used to dry the product. Drier again could also be electrically or manually powered. Manual drying entails spreading the product under the sun so it can dry through the heat of the sun. This however can take some time and it can delay business especially in rainy seasons.
                          iii.            Hydrometer: This is used to determine the water density in caustic soda.
                          iv.            Face Mask: This is used for protection of the nose and mouth from direct inhaling of chemicals
                             v.            Lab Coat: This should be made with nylon material because such material withstands the penetration of chemicals.
                          vi.            Hand Gloves: This is used For the protection of hands, this should also be made with nylon material
                        vii.            Plastic Bowl: For storing of water
                     viii.            Weighing Balance: This is for weighing chemicals to ascertain the quantity to be used at each point in time.

1. SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAUSTIC SODA): Sodium Hydroxide otherwise known as caustic soda, it’s a powerful base. This chemical must be soaked in water for a period not less than 24hrs before use in production.
This process is simply known as fermentation of caustic soda. Once the caustic soda is fermenting, the temperature rises up to 1000c and later falls to between 0o c-300c.when it is at low degree, it will then allow for accurate measurement of water density in the chemical, using the Hydrometer.
Note: If caustic soda is hot as you pour water into it, the temperature has risen and if you measure it at that point in time, the degree of the water density will fluctuate, and this can negatively affect your entire production.
2. SODIUM CHLORIDE: This substance is popularly known as industrial salt. Sodium chloride helps to control the harshness of the caustic soda. The absence of caustic sodium chloride in the product can cause peeling of skin after using the product.
3. SODIUM CARBONATE: This is also known as Soda Ash. Sodium carbonate is filler, it is there to fill the gaps and make the detergent more compact. It helps the detergent to come out in grains and also increase the quantity of the detergent.
4. FATTY ACID: Fatty acid can be obtained from palm kernel oil (PKO), olive oil, vegetable oil etc. It is rich in glycerol from where we derive glycerin, which is very nourishing on the skin.
5. SULPHURNIC ACID: This is a foam or lather booster. It helps the detergent to foam well thereby making the product very active. Lather or foam in detergent suspends dirt and does not allow it to get back to the cloth.
6. SULPHURIC ACID: It helps the detergent to dry faster and come out in powdered form. It does not allow it to form lumps.
7. AROMATIC AGENT: This is industrial perfume used for giving the product the desired fragrance.
8. BLEACHING AGENT: Bleaching agent can be obtained from chlorine or hydrochloric acid. This also helps to make the product more active in removal of dirt.
9. WATER: This is for fermenting the caustic soda and dissolving of the ingredients that comes in powdered form.
10. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: This is for oxidation and is the last thing to be added during detergent production.

1.     The first thing is to determine the volume of your production.
2.     Carry out the measurement of the chemicals and ingredients that will give the quantity of the volume.
3.     Ensure that your caustic soda is well fermented for at least a period of 24hrs.
4.     Make sure that the water density does not go beyond 12.75, 12.80 or 12.90, but note that when the water density is too low, the product will be too harsh, though the drying process will be faster.
5.     Pour the fermented sodium hydroxide into a bowl.
6.     Pour in soda Ash together with the industrial salt.
7.     Pour in your fatty acid.
8.     Add sulphurnic acid.
9.     Add color: Note that if the color is oil soluble, you mix it with a little fatty acid before pouring it in.
10.                        Next is aromatic agent.
11.                        Finally you gradually introduce the hydrogen peroxide.
Note: Each chemical or ingredient you add, you are to stir well the entire product for at least three minutes before adding another. This is to allow each chemical to blend to achieve proper reaction.
This whole process of soap of detergent production is known as saponification.
When you are done, you pour out and spread the product for drying.

Caustic soda is to be our base determinant.
Caustic soda                  -        1KG
Water                             -        280cl
Soda Ash             -        3kg
Salt                       -        3 table spoons
Sulphurnic Acid             -        35cl
Sulphuric Acid               -        5cl
Bleaching agent              -        10cl (optional)
Aromatic agent              -        to taste
Colour                           -        to taste
If chlorine is to be used    -      10gm
Fatty acid                      -        490cl (minimum)
Hydrogen peroxide           -        70 cl (must not be finished)

Note: For detergent to be considered good, it must have good aroma and foams very well.

·        After production of detergent then move it to drier to be dried
·        Next you grind. This can be done manually or with electric machine
After grinding, next is to sieve it with sieve. This makes for even size of the grain,

final stage is to measure and package for sale.